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뒤로가기 Welcome to Cleanearth

Our Company

Our Business

CleanEarth will become the professional retrofit DPF environment company for human being health and improving their qualitative life around the world.
Global Business Expansion
  • The air pollution situation is very serious in developing countries due to exhaust emission gas of old diesel engine vehicles. They are mainly particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxide (NOx ), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC).
  • CleanEarth is accelerating global business expansion with good retrofit business experiences and differentiated technology.
  • We, in order to get the business Certification, have been maintaining with close relationship with their foreign government environment parties and business partners for long-term relationship and the good success.
Global Business Process
  • CleanEarth obtained two DPF system Certifications (SF-3 and SF-2) from China government in May 2010 according to the new standard HJ 451-2008 legislated in March 2009, and is gradually winning overseas contracts from China.
  • As a result of over 60% market share as a leading company in Korea DPF market, CleanEarth will expand overseas business territory to China, Latin America and Middle East around the world.
Global Networks
The world retrofit project



사이트 정보

2606 U-Tower, 120 Heungdeokjunang-ro, Giheung-gu,
Yongin-city, Gyeongi-do, 16950, S. Korea
TEL +82-31-627-2900 FAX +82-31-627-2929

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